Joint Academy offers a clinically proven, digital treatment for chronic joint and back pain. Joint Academy offers treatment for back, shoulder, hip, knee, neck and hand pain. More than 100 000 patients have treated their pain with Joint Academy, with a 99% patient satisfaction.JOINT ACADEMY INCLUDES– A personal licensed physical therapist– An individualized exercise program– Education and interactive lessons– Health goals and progress tracking – Patient community groups A CLINICALLY VALIDATED TREATMENTScience and peer-reviewed, published studies show that Joint Academy’s patients reduce their pain, change their mind about having surgery, and quit analgesics medication.– 85% reduce their joint pain– 54% change their mind about having surgery– 42% quit analgesics medicationJOINT ACADEMY SUITS THOSE WHO– Have hip, knee or hand osteoarthritis – Experience lower back, neck or shoulder pain– Want unlimited access to a physical therapist– Wishes to start treatment without waiting– Would like to treat joint pain from homeHOW IT WORKS1. Download the Joint Academy app2. Sign up and enter your insurance 3. Connect with a licensed physical therapist4. Start your personalized treatment5. Track progress and reach your goalsFIRST-LINE TREATMENT FOR OSTEOARTHRITISAccording to international guidelines, osteoarthritis treatment should primarily consist of specific exercise and education about the disease (and weight control in cases deemed necessary). Everyone who has osteoarthritis should be offered this type of treatment. Joint Academy follows these recommendations to offer a digital first-line treatment for osteoarthritis to reduce joint pain and increase physical function.COVERED BY INSURANCEJoint Academy partners with health plans across the U.S. Enter your insurance information when signing up to see if Joint Academy accepts your coverage. If we currently don’t partner with your plan, we can provide you with the documentation you need if you have out-of-network benefits. If you are uninsured, you can try Joint Academy for 7 days.